The Progress and Future of PEP Construction and Regulation

by PETE SWISHER | April 29th, 2021

The pandemic has delayed construction of pooled employer plans (PEPs) by at least a few months, but the building continues, as do the efforts of the Executive branch to publish anticipated guidance about compensation, conflicts of interest, registration of pooled plan providers (PPPs), spinoffs of “bad apple” employers, and other topics of interest to the builders of PEPs and other multiple employer plans (MEPs). This column identifies and explains the key regulatory issues and how they will shape the future of the industry.

Are You Ready to Scale Your Retirement Plan Business?

Things are changing in the retirement plan space dramatically. Watch this video to see how PEPs allow employers to reduce their fiduciary responsibilities and provide advisors with opportunity for growth.

The Value of an Independent Fiduciary

Are your clients overwhelmed by the complexities and risks of managing retirement plans? Watch this video to learn about the value of an independent fiduciary.

Meet Pete Swisher

Watch this video to learn more about Pete and what led him to become a retirement plan fiduciary.

Why GPS?

The GPS team brings decades of ERISA and group plan experience to help stakeholders successfully operate your retirement plan. Find out how GPS is a new kind of fiduciary for a new kind of plan.